I finished my vision board today. I made my very first one in October. I'm going to be honest when I say that I didn't look at it everyday. I printed pictures of things I thought I wanted, and wrote dates next to them because I was told that by those dates I will receive what I had envisioned. It's hard to receive something you don't think about daily, or envision. I had a goal to hit a certain rank with my company by the end of the month. That didn't happen, so I crossed off the date and wrote a new one. That one also didn't happen. I just stopped looking at it.
See, the problem here was this. I put things on my vision board that I THOUGHT I wanted, but wasn't really sure. I also put things on there that weren't believable to me. I'd look at my board and think "oh yeah, that'd be nice!" but I didn't ever believe it would happen and I didn't FEEL what was on there. It was only ever just, there.
This time around in creating a new vision board, I wanted to make one that I actually liked looking at. One that I didn't feel was thrown together just to have one, and one that didn't look like such an eye sore. I found what I wanted, and all things I found I actually felt myself appreciating having those things, or doing those things. I put positive affirmations on there that I will read every morning and every night. When I look at this board, I just feel. This is how I know it's the right one right now.
I put different categories on there including FINANCE, HEALTH, TRAVEL, HOME, WORK, and GIVE BACK. For each section I posted a couple or more pictures of what I can see having, happening or doing. I printed off a check from The Secret website and wrote filled it out to me with an amount I want to receive and a date I want it by. I also placed a picture of a road with a destination to financial freedom. I have this feeling when I look at it that I will receive it somehow, someway, by that date on the check!
For health I printed off a picture of myself when I was happy, and feeling great in my own skin. A time where I felt the best about myself. I also placed a picture of a body that I want to achieve. I don't have a date on that one yet, but I can already feel myself having that perfect body.
In my give back section, I can feel the sense of appreciation for having enough to give as well as just feeling good for helping others. Whether it be money, food or shelter, it feels good to give what's needed where it's needed. This Christmas I want to be able to give the gift of a warm and happy home with good food on the table to those who go without. Along with many other things.
I want to travel the world. That's all that needs said in this section ;)
For my home, I have a picture of a new couch along with a matching swivel chair, a new bedroom set that I've had my eye one for a while now, and a home that I used to live in with my parents (that I loved and have always wanted to move into with my own family). I can see my bedroom in that house with my new bedroom set, and I can see the living room with the new couch and chair. It's beautiful :)
For work, my next rank comes along with an auto bonus. I have a date set to hit that by the end of this month. It's the same goal I set to hit at the end of October and then again in November. That's what made me quit looking at my vision board. This time, I can picture myself hitting that goal by that date and I know how to get there. I also put a picture of the car I'm going to get when I hit that bonus. My next step is to go search for it and test drive it so I can picture myself behind the wheel!
Of course, I also have some uplifting words and love and happiness on there. Who doesn't want love and happiness?
If you're wanting to make a vision board, check out these great sites. Then post a picture below of your finished product.
I say a finished product but we're never really finished with our visions!