
How Do You Treat Yourself?

Do you treat yourself the way you want other people to treat you? - James Ray, The Secret

Ever since I can remember, I have been living my life with treat others how you want to be treated.  The Golden Rule, right?  Well, I like to think that I have been treating others really well.  I make sure they know that they are important to me, and that their time is valuable to me as well.  I put them first in most cases, no matter who it is, and that means I put myself last.  I have done that because I want to be important, too.  I want others to think of me as a valuable asset and that my life is just as important.  Do you know where this has gotten me?  Not where I thought it would.

I started reading, listening to, and watching The Secret by Rhonda Byrne a couple of weeks ago.  It came about because as I was at a leadership training for the company I'm with, Le-Vel, and there was a speaker talking about The Secret.  She watched it and brought it into her life and her life changed, she changed.  I thought to myself I better look this up when I get home!  Well, of course I forgot and my excuse was that life happened.  I then went to another training and heard about the same thing!  I finally looked into it a couple weeks later and started to watch the movie on YouTube.  I got about 2 minutes into it and thought, there's no WAY I can watch this all the way through! This is so boring!  I decided I'd get the book instead.  I feel like books go in deeper detail than movies, anyway. 

                                  Image result for The Secret

I started to read the book, but the only time I ever allowed myself to was at night, in bed.  I don't lie down until I'm literally ready to fall asleep, so I never made it far; a couple pages at a time, maybe.  I was busy one night after I put my daughter to bed and knew I wasn't going to sleep for a few hours, and thought I bet I could just listen to it, so I did and I'm so glad I did!  

I hated hearing that everything that what WAS my life and was IN my life was brought into it by me.  I didn't bring the negativity.  I didn't bring the living paycheck-to-paycheck.  I didn't bring the car trouble, sickness, or bad days to myself.  Why would I DO that??  And here I am a couple weeks later, still having a hard time with that.  I've come to except it, and I'm here to change the future, but I still hate hearing it.  

Every time I listen to or watch The Secret, I hear something new.  I can't tell you how many times I have watched it or listened to it, just playing in the background, and something catches my attention and I think to myself why didn't I hear this before?  It's like it changes every time! 

Well, this morning I had it playing and I finally heard what James Ray said about Your Job is You. 

How can you ever expect anyone else to enjoy your company 
if you don't enjoy your own company?  And so again, the law 
of attraction or The Secret is about bringing that into your life. 
You've got to get really, really clear.  Here's the question would 
ask you to consider: Do you treat yourself the way you want other 
people to treat you?

I heard that and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Every time I schedule something, and it's been over the past few years, I get rescheduled.  It doesn't matter what it is or who it's with.  I schedule family pictures, a hair appointment, a nail appointment, etc.  It doesn't matter what it's for, I get rescheduled.  I don't think please don't reschedule me, or I'll probably get rescheduled.  In fact, this last time I scheduled something I thought quite the opposite.  I am important and so is my time. 
When I heard James Ray and his question, and finally understood why that has been happening to me.  It didn't matter what I was thinking or not thinking, it showed in my actions and the way I treat myself.  I reschedule myself on a daily basis.  Every time I tell myself I am going to do this or do that, at this time or this day, I reschedule.  I don't do it when I tell myself I will, or I just put it off completely.  I rarely ever stick to my own schedule.  With that being the case, how on earth is someone else supposed to keep me scheduled?  If I don't find my own time valuable, how is someone else supposed to? 

I recently got a Passion Planner (which I love and will write about in another post) and I started scheduling things at certain times during the day for myself.  When I decided I was doing this blog everyday, I wrote down in the 6:00am slot wake up, Thrive, blog.  It's January 2 and I haven't gotten up at 6am to Thrive and write in this blog.  Yes, I have written two posts, but not when I scheduled myself to have the time to do so.  I have put it off until I feel like I want to.  Today, I'm a little glad I did because I wouldn't have been writing about this right now.  I wouldn't have been sitting there watching The Secret and finally have heard what he said.  Everything happens for a reason and I believe that with every part of me.  However, I am no longer going to put myself off and reschedule because I am important.  My time is important, and so are the things I want and want to do.  

I've come to realize that while thoughts are so powerful, actions are just as powerful if not more.  I am starting this year off with a new mindset, in all aspects of my life, and I can't wait to see the changes happen!  

Let me know if you've ever read or watched The Secret and what it's done for you.  How did you apply it and what changed?

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