June 20, 2014
You know that feeling that something different is going on with your body? Like when you first start your period, or even when you are starting to get sick. Everything changes and you just feel so different. These past few weeks I've been noticing some changes that I thought were just premenstrual symptoms. For example, my lower back has been really achy, my pelvic area has been crampy, and I've been super tired and wanting big juicy cheeseburgers! :) Everything that I usually happens before I start my period. This time it all felt a little different. The cramps were down really low, my achy back was not something that was easily going away, and I couldn't stay awake half-way through the day to save my life!
I'm not supposed to have my monthly visit from Mother Nature for another day or so, but for some reason I felt the need this morning to head to the store to pick up some pregnancy tests.
I got home, and luckily had to pee, so I took the first one. I bought some cheapy ones because I'm not spending $20 on the digital for a negative! I set it on the counter and waited a couple of minutes to check. When I went back to see the results, the two boxes were negative.. but the vertical line showing a positive was BARELY there. That can't be right. I can BARELY see it. I decided to take the other one in the box. About this time, my dad showed up to take me on a motorcycle ride on his brand new Harley Davidson he just picked up! I hid the test and let him in. I finished getting ready and before I ran out the door to go with him, I sneaked a peak at the test. It showed the same results! Am I really pregnant? It was on my mind for the entire ride!
When he dropped me off at home, I looked at the paper that came inside the box with the tests. The little diagram of pictures showed that no matter how faint the positive was, a positive is a positive. Hmm... Well I don't know if I believe this. I started to clean things up around the house and all I could think was "Am I really?". I hopped back in the truck to make another Walmart trip. This time, I bought the expensive $20 digital test. I needed something more than a positive, I needed a PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. I bought some water along with them that I guzzled on my way home. After taking the first one out of the box, I couldn't help but stare at it waiting for the results. The little black boxes were flashing while it was "loading". PREGNANT appeared. Wait, what? There are two in the box, might as well take the second. I downed some more water and took the other one. More black boxes and then.. PREGNANT. Am I reading this right? I set all four tests in front of me, all four positive tests, and sat there.. staring, and staring, and staring.
Four positives.... |
He got home a little after 4:30pm. I held the tests behind my back and told him when he walked through the door, "I have a surprise for you!"
He said, "Another? What is it?" I hadn't decided if I wanted to tell him now or on Sunday. We had a pretty busy weekend ahead of us and I knew we wouldn't get a chance to talk about it much.
"Do you want it now or Sunday?" Of course he was confused.
"Is it good or bad? Whenever you want." Okay, I can't wait! I pulled all four tests out from behind my back. His look was priceless! "Really?" with a big smile on his face! He gave me a huge hug and said "Please be nice to me!" Hahaa that was the best part!
We sat down at the kitchen table and I told him how my morning went. We knew we needed to talk about some things because our plans to move to Hawaii might have to be put on hold. Talking would have to happen another day, he is going to check some trail cams and I am on my way to my mom's house to stay the night. I am taking a certification test in the morning, and now I don't think I am going to pass because I won't stop thinking about baby! And how am I not going to say anything to my mom? This will be a tough night!
UPDATE: I want to add something after reading this again. The best part in my opinion. During the Harley ride with my dad, we stopped by the restaurant my mom owns to eat lunch. My sister works there and it just so happened that this day my husband decided to eat lunch there as well. I had all of the people I wanted to know FIRST sitting right there at the table with me, and all I could think was "I AM PREGNANT!" I had to hold myself back from blurting it out because I wasn't sure I believed it yet. It was the hardest thing for me to not say anything to any one of them that afternoon!
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