
365 Days of Blogging Challenge - #1

I like blogging.  I have two already; one for my family and the other started when I found out I was pregnant and I update it with how my daughter is now.  I don't ever give myself the time to sit down and write.  I always come up with excuses like, "I don't have time", "I'm too tired", "I don't know what to write about", things like that.

Well, this is a brand new year and this is MY year!  With all of the changes that I am making to myself and my life, I feel like I want to document it all and have some type of "out".  This will be like my daily journal of some sort.  I don't have anything specific I will be writing about.  Everyday will be brand new and whatever I feel like I need to get out!

Today, I want to start with ideas of what I want to write about.  I'm sure I'll do repeat posts every now and then, and I'm okay with that!  Here's my list to start with based on what's going on in my life now:

1. Thrive by Le-Vel
          a. What the experience has done for me (my story)
          b. How I feel about promoting
          c, How promoting has helped me grow
2. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
3. Building projects and ideas
4. My house/home
5. Pinterest
6. Being a wife and mother
7. How I feel about my daughter turning 1 :( wahhhh! (you can imagine how this one will be!)
8. My fur-kid
9. Then vs. now
10. DIY cleaning

That's a start and I know I can get many posts just off of those 10 ideas!  I'm so excited to start this, and while this is mainly for me, I hope to help all of my readers in one form or another :) This is brand new and at the moment, there are 0 followers (which will be changing soon ;) ) but for those who go back and read this, please comment below and give me some other ideas of maybe what you would like to read about.  If I can relate to it, I'll post about it!  I look forward to hearing from you all.

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